Sunday, June 7, 2020

Does vibration training really work?

Imagine vibrating to a slimmer and more toned physique , getting less cellulite , stronger muscles , stronger skeleton , better balance , less pain in osteoarthritis, without doing anything but standing on a vibration plate for 10-15 minutes a day.

That's what advertising on the TV shop can sound like. Therefore, it is no wonder if one suspiciously wonders if one can really lose weight or get better health without exerting more effort. In addition, you want to know if there are any risks with exercising on a vibration plate. If you are thinking about buying a vibration plate but are hesitant to ask if it really works well then read on.

In fact, vibration training really works . Vibration training is very effective and comfortable, but it is not suitable for everyone.

While opinions differ on how effective vibration training (especially in relation to regular exercise) is, the fact is that vibration training works. Whole body vibration (Whole Body Vibration) as it is known in research is one that has been well tested and proven. There are many scientific studies that show the positive effects of vibration training.

How does vibration training work?

The science behind this training method is not only rational, but also based on proven physiological principles. Most of the criticism from some circles is probably based on a lack of information. Once you understand how vibration plates work, doubts can usually be dispelled.

Vibration plates work the same way when a doctor knocks your knee with a reflex hammer to control your reflexes. In that case, your leg kicks out without you consciously activating the movement. Similarly, when you place yourself on a vibration plate, your muscles are involuntarily activated. As the plate vibrates and moves three-dimensionally, the muscles in your body are activated to keep the body in balance on the plate. A vibration plate can cause up to 3000 muscle contractions in a single minute.

Basically, these exercise machines do as their name suggests - they send fast and controlled vibrations to the body.

The first thing the vibrations do is to cause involuntary movement. This can be a little challenging when standing on fast vibration plates. It should not worry, because it will not feel that your body is thrown from the machine. In fact, the vibrations are small but still fast.

Since the main goal is to remain on the vibrating platform, the movements caused by the machine create an instability in the body. Your body muscles therefore have to respond to keep you in balance. They do this by reacting with multi-directional contractions as counterbalance to gain stability. It is estimated that vibration plates can induce 30 to 50 muscle reflexes per second and the fact that the vibrations continue to work your muscles continuously results in a more intense workout compared to traditional workouts that often involve breaks. As your muscles gather and relax at a fast rate, they become more toned, gain strength, and you will be able to burn calories.

There are both oscillating (pivotal) and vertical (linear) vibration plates. Both types induce involuntary stretch reflexes to engage your muscles in exercise.

Plates that oscillate usually rest on a turning point. This means that when one side goes up, the other side goes down. These alternating patterns of muscle movement train your body to maintain balance.

Plates that move linearly move the entire plate up and down evenly. As a result, the muscle fibers are forced to withstand gravity vertically from a standing position. The generated movements can be helpful in improving jumping power, which is a great advantage for athletes.

Our vibration plate Fitnessplate Future 3D provides lateral oscillations and vibrations with a unique 3D / three-dimensional oscillation function .

Why is vibration training so positive?

What makes vibration training so healthy then? For starters, the fast muscle contractions act as a pump on the lymph vessels and blood vessels, increasing the rate of fluid flow in the body.

Increased blood flow at healthy levels increases oxygen and nutrition in the body's cells.

As the flow increases on the lymph fluid, excess fluid and slag products are transported back to the bloodstream which can reduce edema, stiffness, weight gain and cellulite. Increased lymph flow also contributes to a better immune system. When the lymph passes through lymph nodes, the fluid is supplied to white blood cells (lymphocytes) and plasma cells, while damaging bacteria, viruses and other harmful particles.

Your muscles are exercised when standing on the vibration plate. The body adapts by increasing the muscle fibers to increase the strength. At the same time, the body burns calories to energize the muscles.

As our muscles that attach to the skeleton are subjected to a gradual repetitive pull in their attachments to the body's bones, it has a positive effect on bone density. The vibrations activate the bone-building cells (osteoblasts) that compress and rebuild the bone tissue. Older people who have osteoporosis (Osteporos) can therefore benefit greatly from vibration training.

Exercise properly to achieve the desired result

How effective your training is on the vibration plate also depends on how you use it. You need to design your exercises based on what you want to achieve.

Obviously, if you want to achieve greater muscle mass on the upper body, it gives minimal results to standing on the plate and doing squats. Instead, you may want to do an exercise where you place your legs off the plate, while placing your hands on the plate and doing the raise. You can also stand on the plate and use the accompanying strength bands to train your torso while training your legs and torso.

So if your goal is to lose weight, reduce cellulite, get in better shape after injury or pregnancy, work out your knees after a cruciate ligament injury, reduce pain in your knees with osteoarthritis, make sure to adjust your exercises to fit your goals .

Are there any risks with vibration training?

If you suffer from any medical condition, it may be good to consult a doctor or physiotherapist before you start exercising.

In the following conditions, avoid using a vibration plate:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Active cancer.
  • Bone fracture that did not heal.
  • Acute inflammation.
  • Blood clot or pulmonary embolism.
  • If you are newly operated.
  • Pacemaker (talk to your doctor first).
  • Newly inserted spiral (for pregnancy control).
  • Acute disc hernia or compressed disc with nerve congestion.
  • Retinal detachment.
  • If you have a prosthesis (talk to your doctor first).

If in doubt, talk to a physiotherapist / physiotherapist or physician.

Vibration therapy: Shake the body - it's pure therapy

Can you get in shape just by standing on a plate that shakes? Shouldn't you even lift iron or ask around? Can you really boil the workout down to a minimum of only 15 minutes and still achieve great effect? We have tested shaking therapy - also called vibration therapy…

The form of vibration therapy originated in Russia and was created in the late 1980s on the basis of research on maintenance training for cosmonauts. Here they sought to invent a form of exercise that could be used in the room so that they did not return home with severely impaired bone and muscle mass.

And how do you even get the idea of ​​"shaking" people?

The story goes that one was wondering how the lions on the savannah could have such immense power and speed that they can easily take down a zebra despite having a really lazy lifestyle? How can they have the strength to do that? Sure, lions are cat animals and they spin very vigorously. Therefore, we began to investigate whether there was a deeper meaning to this phenomenon: the spider. And from that came the shaking therapy.

Vibration gives effect

So it turns out that just standing on a vibrating surface increases the bone density, which then sends shivers up through the body, strengthening both bones and muscles.

Vibration therapy quickly provides greater muscle strength, increased fat burning, better blood circulation and metabolism, and increased bone density. And of course a better and more secure balance.

Feedback from people who have been training for just a few weeks tells us that this training can also reduce orange skin, which must be traced back to the optimized blood flow.

A stronger pelvic floor, lower back pain and better posture are also reported.

It happens that when the plate vibrates at up to 35-40 turns per second, your muscles do everything possible to stabilize the body. The vibrations force the muscles to contract 20-50 times a second, which is basically constant. Therefore, the effect of the exercises will be approx. three times the normal.

The system that you can buy   is basically passive training. That is, one stands on the record and gets trained. (However, you can also do various exercises on it for eg arms and upper body).

In fact, a lot of research has been done on this form of training. Oddly enough, none of the public hospitals surveyed offers physical therapy this form of therapy. Nor the private clinics I have asked. Most people do not know about this vibration therapy at all, but two of the private clinics I contacted will investigate the phenomenon more closely after my inquiry.

It seems to me otherwise so obvious because the training is so intense and effective.

A walk in the shaking room

On a Powerplate the idea is also based on the fact that you are standing on a troubled surface. Powerplate is three-dimensional, ie. that the tiny little shakes it makes go both up and down and to the sides. Then your muscles must constantly work to balance. It is said that 15-20 minutes on such a "shaking machine" equals 1-2 hours in a fitness center. Yes, then I know what I would choose.

On a Powerplate you work approx. 20 minutes, doing about 10-12 exercises of 30-60 seconds duration distributed over the different muscle groups. Finally, you can get over the foot of the machine and have a nice game of "system massage"

Whether it gives something? If you ask my body, after just 20 minutes on a Powerplate, then the answer is YES. Also to that extent. I was training-sore, in the right way, for several days after.

The machine buzzes in the floor and sounds like a big cat lying under my feet and spinning.

Can shaking therapy your whole body?

And here we are back to the theory of the cat animal spin, which also assumes that the vibrations it makes should trigger a healing process.

Just hear this story:

“Recently, at a doctor's consultation about joint pain, I mentioned casually that on bad days, I'd rather just lie in bed with my cats. "It's absolutely perfect," the doctor said. "The spinning sound of a cat is known to strengthen human bones". I immediately asked the doctor to explain more about this phenomenon and I learned that being a cat owner has actually been scientifically proven to be a healthy thing. A cat's spine (vibrating stimulus) has been associated with pain relief in people with both acute and chronic pain, it has been proven that the vibrational stimulus helps to generate bone growth, accelerate wound healing, improve local blood circulation and - oxygenation, as well as reducing swelling and bacterial infections. ”

Studies show that so-called low vibrational frequencies have therapeutic efficacy. These frequencies can accelerate bone growth, promote bone fracture healing, increase joint mobility, relieve pain, strengthen muscles and remove or alleviate swelling and edema.

Cat mother also feeds her kittens while she spins.

So maybe that's why the cat has nine lives - because they are equipped with their own healing device?

The cat's bone damage, muscle damage, etc. heals much better than other animals eg. dogs. And it is believed to be solely due to the cat's ability to spin.

Many cat owners have found that if they have been ill, the cat will come and lie down in their bed and spin on life - perhaps to relieve and heal?

Vibration therapy as a relief

But is it not possible to make an apparatus that can mimic the cat's spin and which can send low vibrations into the body and all over it? Yes, it exists - e.g. TENS appliances or electrostimulations that can be used in acupuncture treatments.

TENS devices are used e.g. by a very few, privately practicing midwives to relieve pain. Strangely, it is not a fixture in every dining room, because it is very easy to use. They can also be purchased for private use.

The TENS device is used by attaching the self-adhesive electrode pads directly to the site of pain. It stimulates the nerves to both block pain perception and speeds up the production of the body's natural morphine-like substance, endorphins and encephalins.

In Chinese medicine, pain is an indication that stagnation is present. It can either be the blood stagnating or the energy doing. Ordinary acupuncture needles can help restore the free flow, but to turn turbo on that process, you can apply power.

The body's own morphine-like substances are also produced by having needles in the body's acupuncture points.

I think shake therapy could be really useful in many places, both in hospitals and in gyms, pain clinics, etc. We just have to be aware of the possibility!

What is the difference between treadmill and vibration plate?

Comparison between treadmill and vibration plate

Treadmills have been available as training equipment on the market since the late 1960s when mechanical engineer and fitness pioneer William Staub developed a home treadmill. Since then, development has progressed tremendously and the treadmill has become perhaps the most widely used fitness training equipment today.

During the 1960s, the direct predecessor of modern vibration training, Rythmic Neuromuscular Stimulation (RNS), was also developed in former East Germany. But it wasn't until the Russians started using vibration plates to train athletes and keep their cosmonauts in shape in space that vibration machines entered the fitness industry. Today, vibration training applies when talking about the "passive training" trend.

Both treadmills and vibration plates are giants in the field of exercise machines. But they have different advantages and disadvantages. An understanding of its strengths and weaknesses may be helpful if you are in the choice and qualification to buy a treadmill or vibration plate. (If you do not have room for both).

Advantages and disadvantages of the vibration plate

Whole body vibration machines ( whole body vibration ) provide continuous vibration. When standing, sitting or exercising / exercising on a vibration plate, the vibrations cause instability of the muscles which in turn stretches out and contractes continuously to stabilize. Below you can read about the advantages and disadvantages of vibration training.


  • Lots of advantages
    The biggest advantage of vibration machines is that they have lots of advantages. You can increase your fat burning and lose weight , reduce cellulite , prevent muscle loss , rehabilitate, for example, knees after surgery with little strain on the joints, improve bone density and prevent osteoporosis , improve balance, increase blood circulation and lymph flow, and much more.
  • Also has a massage effect
    You can use a vibration plate for more than just exercise. The vibrations can also be used as a massage of injured, sore or tense muscles. Many people with osteoarthritis in their knees, for example, experience pain relief.
  • Shorter training time
    A big advantage of vibration training is that the time you need to spend on training can be reduced considerably as the training on a vibration plate is much more efficient. If you exercise for 15 minutes on a vibration plate, it is in many cases between 45-60 minutes of traditional training.


  • Little or no fitness training
    Vibration training increases fat burning, makes muscles more toned and increases strength. But it does not activate the heart rate and lungs as much as other forms of exercise. So when you exercise on a vibration plate you will not improve stamina and fitness to any great extent.
  • The best models cost quite a lot
    You usually get what you pay for and therefore you have to invest quite a lot of money if you want one of the most advanced models of vibration plates.
  • Does not offer a total solution for your workout
    Although all high quality vibration plates provide a fast and efficient workout, these machines do not provide a comprehensive solution for your workout. It is not possible to continue eating what you want and just stand on the vibration plate for a few minutes every day and still get in top shape. You should combine your training with good nutrition and other types of exercise, preferably some form of cardio training.

Advantages and disadvantages of the treadmill

A treadmill might offer the most natural training method, namely walking or running. Therefore, it is one of the most popular exercise machines one can have at home. No complicated training routines are required.


  • Easy and accessible in all weather
    With a treadmill you can walk or run at any time and in any weather.
  • Good fitness training
    The best advantage of the treadmill is that you improve your fitness. Each step you take strengthens your heart and lungs, thereby improving your health.
  • Weight loss
    As walking or running leads to calorie burning, it goes without saying that regular use of the treadmill leads to weight loss. The more intense you exercise the more you burn so obviously.


  • Leading
    Most people find it tedious to walk or run on a treadmill compared to doing the same outdoors or participating in other forms of exercise. When something is boring, motivation decreases and it becomes easier to skip one's workout.
  • Lack of variation
    You can really only vary the speed of walking, jogging or running. Otherwise it is the same movement.
  • Cost
    Just about with vibration plates, the treadmills with the highest quality and most functions are also relatively expensive.

What is the best exercise machine for you?

The treadmill or vibration plate?

As you can see above, the treadmill and vibration plate both have their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the choice depends more on what you want to achieve with your training.

Both machines contribute to weight loss.

Vibration training can be performed as " passive training " where you practice only by standing passively on the plate.

The treadmill is an active workout that provides more skins and effort.

Regular exercise on the treadmill provides better fitness.

The vibration plate builds up your muscles in a different way than running training. It also has many different effects.

Exercise on a vibration plate is very suitable for those who have difficulty exercising in the usual way . Vibration training is also perfect as rehabilitation after injury or illness, in the event of a disability , severe obesity , or old age and sedentary lifestyle / life situation.

Obviously, the best effect is obtained by training both vibration training and fitness training.

Exercise with vibration machines can improve your lymphatic health and detoxification ability

Through regular exercise, we gain increased circulation, improved oxygen uptake and a stronger heart. Vibrations are part of the build-up effect of exercise, as they increase blood flow and thus allow oxygen and important substances to circulate freely. By constantly pumping blood through the body's many systems, vibration training acts as a drainage tool of our lymphatic system. Increased ability in the lymphatic system contributes to better detoxification and improved immune system.

The vibrations can be created when you work out on a vibration-based exercise machine, whose exercises create small muscle contractions. This muscle activity forces fluids to pass through the body in an efficient, constant and gentle manner, without causing injury. Exercise is thus very simple and easy for the body, at the same time it cleans out and increases our ability to eliminate toxins.

Those individuals who have reduced detoxification due to genetics, overloaded detoxification organs (liver and kidneys) or nutritional deficiencies have less easy to get rid of toxins. Poisons that the body is unable to eliminate, accumulate in the skeleton or in the body's soft tissue / fat tissue. Increased exercise and exercise not only increase the ability to cleanse through lymph drainage, but also through sweating. Sweating is one of our foremost ways of purging, which is especially important if other degreasing systems are less effective. Other pathways of purification are via the breath and our exhaled air, via the urine (kidneys) and the stools (via the liver and bile).

Detoxification via the liver, bile and kidneys requires that we have the ability to convert fat-soluble substances into water-soluble, less harmful substances. This requires good function in the liver's phase 1. In order for the substances to be bound and able to be removed from the body, good phase 2. Phase 1 requires nutrients such as B vitamins, while phase 2 requires, for example, sulfur which can bind toxins.

Vibration training not only provides increased stimulation of the lymphatic system, but also acts as an activator of the body's lymph nodes, which are important components of our immune system. In addition to these purely medical benefits, exercise contributes to increased weight loss, muscle building and stability. An advantage of vibration training is that it, like training that gives impact, builds up the skeleton. It also contributes to training the small muscles that we rarely train in exercise machines. The same training of fine muscles can be obtained by running in forest terrain.

Benefits of a vibration machine

They provide you with varied workouts and activate a large part of your muscles. Vibration plates are therefore a perfect complement to conventional training. Moreover, the fact that they are relatively inexpensive to buy makes them the perfect tool in your home gym.

Thanks to the amount of contractions the muscles have to make when the plate vibrates gives you an intense and effective workout. Many elite athletes, with limited time for certain exercises, benefit from this.

A vibration plate can give similar training effects as conventional conventional training but in a shorter time. The plates are also a really good tool in rehabilitation as they increase blood flow. With an increased blood flow comes an improved oxygen supply which in turn facilitates the healing of injuries and inflamed areas.

Another advantage of a vibration plate is that people with reduced mobility, severe obesity or disabilities of various kinds can use it. They are very easy to use and require minimal effort. There are studies showing that they can have positive effects for people with cerebral palsy (CP). There are also studies that show that vibration training can help older people maintain good balance and reduce the risk of fractures.

How do you use it?

A vibration machine can be used in many different ways. One of its main advantages is that you do not need to use it as long as you do in a conventional workout.

Dips is one of many exercises that give better effect on a vibration plate!

Stand on the plate and do some exercise or movement. You can test with classic squats, dropouts, situps, dips or pushups with your hands on the plate.

When you do your exercises on the vibration plate, your muscles will contract. The training therefore becomes more efficient and the time can be reduced.

You should limit the number of workouts and the length of the workouts as training with a vibration machine becomes more intense compared to regular workouts. For starters, you can run three 10-minute workouts a week. Then you can gradually increase to three 20-minute sessions a week.

You should supplement your workout on vibration plate with cardio training, as it is important with heart rate-enhancing activities to keep your heart in shape.

Good luck with your workout!

Best vibration plate 2020

If you have time for exercise or are looking to optimize the time you actually spend on training, a vibration plate is a training tool that can help you!

Vibration plates have been on the market for about 30 years and are becoming increasingly popular as they create the conditions for really effective training!

What is a vibration plate?

Vibration training is very effective and gives results
A vibration plate, also called a vibration machine, is a training tool. You stand on a vibrating plate and do your exercises. The vibrations make your muscles contract and thus you get a much more effective workout.

Why should you buy one?

With a vibration plate you can save time in connection with your workout. Do you think that regular exercise, such as strength training, is tedious, you can do similar exercises on a vibration machine and get better effect in less time.


Vibration training is an invention from Russia. It was in the 1960s that the method was first tested to reduce the negative impact of weightlessness in space. The training with vibration plate gave good effects and then spread to elite athletes in Russia. The rest of the world caught the eye of the form of training in the 1990s, when the first commercial product was launched in Italy.

Buying Guide

The price can vary from about $200 to $3000 (or even more). Of course, it's up to you to decide how much you want to put. In general, however, a better quality vibration plate costs a little more. Also, be sure to check the maximum user weight on the plate before buying it, as it can vary between about 100-160 kg.

Our list below is based on function, performance, quality, price and best in tests from other sources.

Top list - Best vibration plate 2020

Vibration plate best in test
# 1 inSPORTline VibroGym Charles is the best vibration plate in our opinion . This is a classic machine that suits most people.

Quite unique for this machine is that it has 3D vibration, which is otherwise important for the more expensive premium models. The maximum user weight is 120 kg and there are three preset programs. The motor is located at 500 W.

# 2 Christopeit Sport Vibro 1 is a relatively cheap vibration machine that still has good performance.

Maximum user weight is 150 kg and there are three preset programs.

In our opinion, this is the best budget choice in 2020. The machine also has a body fat analysis program. The motor is located at 500 W.

# 3 inSPORTline RexaBelt is another good budget choice. This vibration plate has a maximum weight of 100 kg and has no display.

The advantages of the plate are a well-applied surface on the plate itself and it has five different massaging belts to train and shape your body. The motor has a relatively low watt (80W).

The two largest and largely the only ones that sell vibration plates are the Sport Gym and Sport theme . Take the time to go through their selection yourself to find a vibration plate that fits you, your needs and your wallet.

Does vibration training really work?

Imagine vibrating to a slimmer and more toned physique , getting less cellulite , stronger muscles , stronger skeleton , better balance , le...