Sunday, June 7, 2020

Exercise with vibration machines can improve your lymphatic health and detoxification ability

Through regular exercise, we gain increased circulation, improved oxygen uptake and a stronger heart. Vibrations are part of the build-up effect of exercise, as they increase blood flow and thus allow oxygen and important substances to circulate freely. By constantly pumping blood through the body's many systems, vibration training acts as a drainage tool of our lymphatic system. Increased ability in the lymphatic system contributes to better detoxification and improved immune system.

The vibrations can be created when you work out on a vibration-based exercise machine, whose exercises create small muscle contractions. This muscle activity forces fluids to pass through the body in an efficient, constant and gentle manner, without causing injury. Exercise is thus very simple and easy for the body, at the same time it cleans out and increases our ability to eliminate toxins.

Those individuals who have reduced detoxification due to genetics, overloaded detoxification organs (liver and kidneys) or nutritional deficiencies have less easy to get rid of toxins. Poisons that the body is unable to eliminate, accumulate in the skeleton or in the body's soft tissue / fat tissue. Increased exercise and exercise not only increase the ability to cleanse through lymph drainage, but also through sweating. Sweating is one of our foremost ways of purging, which is especially important if other degreasing systems are less effective. Other pathways of purification are via the breath and our exhaled air, via the urine (kidneys) and the stools (via the liver and bile).

Detoxification via the liver, bile and kidneys requires that we have the ability to convert fat-soluble substances into water-soluble, less harmful substances. This requires good function in the liver's phase 1. In order for the substances to be bound and able to be removed from the body, good phase 2. Phase 1 requires nutrients such as B vitamins, while phase 2 requires, for example, sulfur which can bind toxins.

Vibration training not only provides increased stimulation of the lymphatic system, but also acts as an activator of the body's lymph nodes, which are important components of our immune system. In addition to these purely medical benefits, exercise contributes to increased weight loss, muscle building and stability. An advantage of vibration training is that it, like training that gives impact, builds up the skeleton. It also contributes to training the small muscles that we rarely train in exercise machines. The same training of fine muscles can be obtained by running in forest terrain.

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